Figure 1. Netflix Example

  1. Generate a random noun (
    This generator includes abstract nouns like "difference." Keep rolling until you get a concrete noun like "art" or "dog."
  2. Create a schema for your random word. Note the datatype for each field you list (number, text, or yes/no). Everytime you come across a more complex type (things we can't or shouldn't simplify to number, text, or yes/no), "grow" your schema out as we did on the board. Keep going until you have about 4~5 tables for this random word
  3. Do the same for one of your members' research topics, as you currently are thinking about it: Choose a noun at the "center" of your interests in this topic and grow out from there, stopping at 4~5 tables
  4. Give me a "green side up" when you're done 😊

from pandas import read_csv
sheet_id = "1RmkggBBkxytaQGigm4zSVJgBzMjTjGWy58yKExVuMWM"
sheet_name = "Example"
url = f"{sheet_id}/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet={sheet_name}"
example = read_csv(url)
from pandas import read_csv
def get_data(sheet_name):
  sheet_id = "1RmkggBBkxytaQGigm4zSVJgBzMjTjGWy58yKExVuMWM"
  url = f"{sheet_id}/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet={sheet_name}"
  return read_csv(url)

example = get_data("Example")
from pandas import read_csv
from pandasql import sqldf

def get_data(sheet_name):
  sheet_id = "1RmkggBBkxytaQGigm4zSVJgBzMjTjGWy58yKExVuMWM"
  url = f"{sheet_id}/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet={sheet_name}"
  return read_csv(url)

def sql(q):
  return sqldf(q, globals())

example = get_data("Example")
  select *
  from example


Mariah A. Knowles

Tue, Jul 18, 2023

Orientation to SQL

  • Data is spread across multiple tables
  • SQL is a declarative programming langauge

Each Kid is responsible for one or more Dogs. Each Dog is the responsibility of a single Kid.

The Kids all share their Toys. Each Kid favorites one or more Toys. Each Toy is favorited by one or more Kids.

How would we diagram this?

  • What are our tables?
  • What are their relationships?
  • What fields might each table have?
  • What keys do we need to represent our relationships?
  • Find all kids' names
  • Find all kids' names and their birthdays
  • Find number of kids
  • Find all dogs' names and their kid's name
  • Find all dogs' names whose kid was born after Jan 1, 2009
  • Find all toys' names and how many kids favorite each toy
  • Find all pairs of kids who share a favorite toy

SQL Topics

  • select
  • from single table
  • limit
  • order by
  • count, calculations, as, sum, max, min, avg, distinct
  • where
  • in and like
  • from multiple tables, where vs. join on vs. join using
  • group by
  • having


from sqlite3 import connect
from pandas import DataFrame, read_csv

def query(q):
    with connect("example.db") as con:
        cur = con.cursor()
        results = cur.execute(q)

    return results

    create table if not exists
    movies (
        movie_id integer primary key autoincrement,
        title text,
        year integer,
        score real
def insert(values, q):
    with connect("example.db") as con:
        cur = con.cursor()
        cur.executemany(q, values)

values = [
    ("Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl", 1982, 7.9),
    ("Monty Python's The Meaning of Life", 1983, 7.5),
    ("Monty Python's Life of Brian", 1979, 8.0)

insert(values, """
    insert into movies
    (title, year, score)
    (?, ?, ?)
def select(q):
    with connect("example.db") as con:
        cur = con.cursor()
        results = cur.execute(q)
        df = DataFrame.from_records(
            columns=[desc[0] for desc in results.description]
    return df

movie_data = select("""
    select * from movies
  create table if not exists
  kids (
      kid_id integer primary key autoincrement,
      dob date,
      intake_date data,
      hair_color text,
      eye_color text,
      first text,
      last text,
      race text,
      height real,
      weight real,
      gender text,
      biological_sex text
def getSheet(sheet_name):
  sheet_id = "1RmkggBBkxytaQGigm4zSVJgBzMjTjGWy58yKExVuMWM"
  url = f"{sheet_id}/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet={sheet_name}"
  return read_csv(url)

kids = getSheet("Kids")
kid_data_to_insert = kids[["kid_id",
insert(kid_data_to_insert.values, """
    insert into kids
    (kid_id, dob, intake_date, hair_color, eye_color, first, last, race, height, weight, gender, biological_sex)
    (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
insert(kid_data_to_insert.values, """
    insert or ignore into kids
    (kid_id, dob, intake_date, hair_color, eye_color, first, last, race, height, weight, gender, biological_sex)
    (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

Note: These commands can look very different from one DBMS to another.

This one is most commonly written show tables.

    select * from sqlite_schema

And this one is most commonly written desc movies.

    pragma table_info(movies)
